Monday, October 23, 2006

19 seconds which will make you laugh!

This little laugh cracks me up every time so I had to share it with you all!

Great is Thy Faithfulness!

What an amazing weekend. We had a wonderful day on Saturday with many friends and family from all over the country as well as Northern Ireland, Scotland and Canada. We feel truely blessed by the presence of so many - and for all the well wishes and thoughts from all of you who couldn't be there.
It was an amazing sight to see our fathers dedicate our daughter, our brothers and sisters give vows to support us and godparents promise to nurture and pray for Emily as she grows up.
The vows
The Patterson/Croker/Fawcett/Cully/McCulloch Clan

The McCulloch Clan

Deirdre & Andrew (Godparents)

Greg and Sara (Godparents)

The happy family... what an amazing day!

We are really amazed at the joy that Emily has brought to us. We are reminded constantly of God's faithfulness in the good times and the bad... these times are the really good times!

Thanks to all who were there, those who couldn't make it... you were missed.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Still more catching up to do, but that's enough for now!

Proud grandparents with their grandaughters!
All laughs with Granny
Sleeping with Juniper, one day she will be bigger than him!
Bibs are the height of fashion with all the dribbling going on at the mo!
Sleeping peacefully and through the night!

A big day for Grandad, but Emily and J scrubbed up well too!

The past weeks via photos

No smiles on her first visit swimming!
Auntie Jude and Auntie Emma give cuddles
Little and Large the 2 cousins chilling out together.
Telly addict already with Baby Einstein
Chilling out with her cousin, Ellie-May
A day out shopping with Grandmum and Great auntie Ann

Still getting used to life on her tummy,(eating her whoozit water mat)

Monday, October 16, 2006


Well, after months of trying (or not!) I have finally found a way of suitably storing some of my songs on the internet in case by some odd chance somebody may want to listen to them. JA has always been reminding me that it is something I should do and with our return on line I have found a web page that has helped me.
I will not be posting anything about those songs here on this blog but have put a link on the right-hand side called Jamie's songs (great name hey?!). Writing has always been something that I have enjoyed doing and continue to do so even with current time restraints.
So, if you have any inclination to put yourself through it, check out the link and have a listen.
Don't expect any masterpieces!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Clever Clogs

Big Congratualtions to Greg!
Today we celebrated Greg's graduation as he picked up his MA with distinction!! His work was on a guy called Yoder, ( not Yoda) as Jamie thought and was subsequnetly disappointed that he was not going to read a thesis about the attack of the stormtroopers!

We had a fabulous time with Emily attending her first graduation outside the womb, and what a cool one to be at with one of her godparents graduating.
We are now back on line and I have load to tell you all... if you are interested, but the Chronicles of Emily will have to wait as we are all tired. It is off to bed we go!

Sweet dreams