Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Musical Baby

Emily has been enjoying the percussion aspect of composing and performance.
The bells seem to be the favourite with the shaker coming in a close second.
As a side point... does anyone out there think that Emily looks like me?
Everyone we meet says she is the double of J!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

House and Emily Update

We went to look at 3 houses yesterday. It was a strange feeling looking around other people's houses as we spent the afternoon showing people round our house. We found one we like but the other 2 were pretty bad. We are not big fans of cats, bulldogs or guinea pigs so these houses were not good. It wasn't just the smell, the rooms were too small and the locations weren't so good. We are still looking around I think we have found the one, Jamie is being cautious so we will wait and see on this one.

Emily is cool, she now weighs 16lbs 2ozs, smiles constantly and entertains us with her cute little sounds. She is developing her own repertoire of interesting faces. This one is called:
'Little Miss Piggy'

I took her swimming on my own last week, it was fun, we were in the water for 20 mins, but it took us an hour to get dressed and ready to come home. Last night she slept over at her grandparents for the first time. She slept through till 6.30 and had fun with them whilst Jamie and I enjoyed a sleep in to 8.30!!!! This week we are trying chicken. She seems to really enjoy fruit, she isn't so convinced by carrot and parsnip.

I have included some photos of our past week, some might make you smile. (There's lots of smiles from our house this week!)

And for my next trick....Tasty rice cakes with pear.

New boots and big smiles

Chewy whoozit

Monday, January 22, 2007


Our house is now on the web and tonight we had our first viewing. The interested party is one of our neighbours who wants another house on the street for a family member. They are not in a chain and want to buy asap. The other amazing thing is that the house that they live in is exactly the same as ours in size and proportion, we have more land and outside space. Also our house has a better interior and decoration. She is bringing back her husband to see it so we will wait and see.
On the job front I will let you know when I have confirmed with my boss. (Your prayers worked, I am being accomodated, but need to clarify before going 'public'.)

We had our first snowfall last night, nothing like other parts of the world but I was excited!

On the Emily front we have persistant teething and bad nappy rash! Poor baby.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Our house is going up for sale tomorrow!
Please pray that we make good and right decisions about where we are going to live and that someone will visit our home and fall in love with it whilst seeing themselves living in it. (and pay the asking price too!)

Whilst we are talking praying, tomorrow I am going to see my Headteacher to discuss returning to work. I want to return on April 16th I am asking for three days a week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I am not sure if I will get a class or float. I also don't know if I will be able to continue in managment. I am sure she knows but all may become clear tomorrow at 2.30.

Points for praise... the childminder who we really wanted Emily to be with on Mondays and Tuesdays phoned today to let us know that Emily has a place!!! She is great, affordable and she only lives 5 minutes from Jamie's school. Check her out.
We are so excited and pleased, this really is an answer to prayer. Lots to pray about.... lots to give thanks for.
What a day.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our New Year break in Edinburgh

Hover over the pictures to get a brief explanation. It was a great visit, we spent a day with Mum and Dad McCulloch, it was windy, blowy and even sleety but we had a great time. Edinburgh is a cool place to visit, if you haven't been... go.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Emily started on solids yesterday. We began with sweet potato. From her expression she doesn't seem to like it; it must be weird to taste new things when all you have eaten for 6 months is milk!
The video clip is today's lunchtime. I am still not convinced she likes it! (Her face is still as expressive as yesterday.)

Tomorrow she gets pear, I'll keep you posted.