Sunday, December 16, 2007


New freezer and fridge now installed in our kitchen! Yeah.
Gas man fixed boiler yesterday! Coming back this afternoon again as it is NOT fixed! Boo!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Break down day

Our fridge/freezer broke today!

Our central heating boiler went on the blink today!!

Tomorrow the gas man is coming to hopefully fix it for the least amount of money possible.

Tomorrow we have to go to buy a new fridge/freezer as all the food in our frezzer is now in the bin and we have warm milk!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bin raiding

I was walking through Didsbury village yesterday afternoon when I saw this pink wheelbarrow sticking out of the top. I would like to label my act of bin raiding as recycling - I am not too sure. :)

Needless to say it has provided hours of fun so far and hopefully we will train Emily to sweep all the leaves off our grass by next Autumn. (P.S. she really uses the word 'again' a little too often!)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Puddles, hair and singing

This weekend we went to visit family in Birmingham and had a great time. On Sunday we went to Dunham Massey to jump in the puddles! It was so much fun.

We have been experimenting with hairstyles this week. What do you think of these?
That is all for now, I have 4 days left until the holidays, one tomorrow and 3 next week. WoW!!!!

We have been practising our singing too! SO cute! (not my voice... hers!)

Monday, December 03, 2007

Parties and sick

Greetings from Carrgreen Close, complete with double glazed windows at number 26! we look forward to the warmth that will come with these. We have been busy, this weekend we were at a first birthday party at a soft play warehouse. Happy birthday Danielle. Emily had such a great time, especially in the ball pools and the big slide.

All is well, she has been sick today and not able to stay at the childminders but seems to have picked up and thankfully, no more sick to clear up.

Her hair is growing quick quickly now and is just long enough to make it into bunches. (We know she will hate this when she is older!) Well that is all from us, we hope to put our tree up on Wednesday night and make the house look presentable. It still is a bit of a mess, it will feel better when the gifts are under the tree and nicely wrapped instead of in carrier bags in the spare room!

I will leave you with a toothy grin!