Wednesday, February 15, 2012

SO long

I can't believe it has been so long since I have been on my once loved blog. I still love it, but have become so busy it is less loved than laundry, food making, cleaning, school run, nursery run, swimming lessons, ballet and tap lessons, football lessons, church, netball and trying to keep up with friends and family!

So Christmas happened. Santa came, Nativity plays were viewed, presents were exchanged and food was enjoyed. Emily is in love with all things Sylvanian, Joel all things that bounce or fly in the sky and Seth all things chewable. It was fun opening gifts as a family of five.
January was hectic as Jamie sat at the desk night after night writing reports and crunching data after the early entry exam results came back. Oh the joys of being a Head of Department, or should I say the joy of being the widow in the room next door!

Joel has grown out of all his trousers yet again, we can't seem to keep up. He is happiest when in the garden with his football and was really proud of his new football socks from Santa. He has learnt to write his name and is enjoying learning, he looks out the window and declares that he can see his name or a friends name by finding one letter from that name. Being a kid must be great! He is also the master baker in the house with biscuits and scones being a favourite.
Emily is great. She has recovered after her accident in November. Her finger has healed amazingly and she seems to be able to move on from it, although I will always be fearful of doors after seeing the damage one can cause! She likes her glasses and is enjoying being in Year one. Her reading is coming along and she is amazed that she can read to herself!

Seth is lovely and celebrated his 8 month birthday yesterday. We are in the middle of food and how messy is that? I had forgotten how much I hate the whole learning about food thing!He got his first tooth last week and is just about crawling. Life is going to get a little more interesting in the next few weeks!

So this week is half term. We have had a lot of fun already. We have become a coupon collecting, voucher and code finding family... and with savings success. We have been to Eureka today which was great, busy, noisy and so much fun and Legoland today which again was pretty manic but we had a fabulous time! Tomorrow is a play day with friends, the hopefully Dunham Massey or Lyme on Friday! Jamie is looking forward to going back to work for a rest!