Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Emily started on solids yesterday. We began with sweet potato. From her expression she doesn't seem to like it; it must be weird to taste new things when all you have eaten for 6 months is milk!
The video clip is today's lunchtime. I am still not convinced she likes it! (Her face is still as expressive as yesterday.)

Tomorrow she gets pear, I'll keep you posted.


brooke said...

Hey, she's not screaming, so I'll take that as she likes it! It's just a different texture than she's used to and learning how to swallow baby food can be tricky! We used to start out on Rice Cereal ( I don't know if you have it over there) mixed with some formula (or pumped breast milk) and then moved on to the veg and fruit. It's so exciting when they start eating food!

Knights @ not so round table said...

Exciting? Ha! The exciting part is when they start throwing it - plastic aprons and floor mats at the ready!