Saturday, August 16, 2008

Four weeks down... two to go.

Emily has found the joy of singing!! Some may say the joy of speed talking in a high volume. This song rings through the rooms of our house continually throughout the day! She has no awareness of tempo or of her right and left but it makes us laugh! Enjoy

We have had a busy week, lots of fun things to do when you are due to go into labour any day! We have been to the park, swimming, the farm, to Manchester on the tram to see the big roundie (Manchester Wheel) playing in the garden, baking, painting, sticking, gardening and shopping. We have also been to the clinic as Emily fell at the park and cut her head in 2 places.

No glue needed, just a sticky and magic water, not forgetting the Calpol and kisses. The bump is going.

Scones we made for breakfast this morning... there are none left and not a lot of banana bread left either!

A new swimming suit. She will now swim on her own and not cling on to us. ( Not me as my suit doesn't fit now either!) Her kicking is good but as for her arms, well there is a lot of work to be done if we were pushy parents!

On baby watch.. well there is nothing to report, we are still waiting and getting fed up as it really feels restrictive. I am at the midwife on Tuesday, maybe something will happen then but I am either 6 days late or 1 day late depending on the 2 dates I have been given by the hospital. Either way we need this baby to come soon as my skin is sore and I don't think it can stretch much further.

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