Saturday, November 01, 2008

Half term trip to Belfast

We have been to Northern Ireland and now we are back. Our house is nearly finished being rewired and we are well. Joel kept his tube in (well it came out 3/4 of way and Jamie bravely pushed it back into place and retaped it.) It was great to spend time with my sisters, brother and brothers in laws as well as our nieces and nephew. we had lots of fun - it is very noisy when you put five children under 2 and a half (and 3 of them under 20 weeks!)

Ellie May (5/7/06,) Lilah (17.6.08) Sam (12.6.08) Joel (17.8.08) Emily (4/7/06)
It was so much fun spending time with my siblings; Judith, Emma and Delwyn.
Joel got to meet his cousins for the first time. They are a little bigger than him.We went by slow boat from Birkinhead. It took 9 hours and it was so painful. Emily was knocked over as she was standing still watching a man win money on a fruit machine. She has chipped her front tooth and cut her lip as well as torn her gums. We are at the dentist on Thursday to find out about that. Thankfully we had calpol in our nappy bag - it would have made the crossing even longer! I think we will do the longer drive to Scotland and shorter boat instead of short drive mega long boat.

Daddy daycare! ( I had Joel)

Emily had so much fun with her cousin Ellie-May who is one day younger than her.

Our pumpkin won (the one on the left), Judith and Emma tried hard but just lacked the scary factor.

Joel looks like he is filling out a bit, we are back at the hospital this week for weighing and dietitian on Thursday, then his RSV antibody jab a week on Monday as well a
s blood tests, then paediatrician and dietitian as well as weighing a week on Thursday. Jamie is back to school on Monday for the 7 week run up to the Christmas break. Hopefully our house will be finished on Tuesday and then we can see if there is any money left in the budget for redecorating. (Joel needs a new floor!)
Well off to bed -


esty said...

Glad you had a great week in Belfast with family - and a very full house by the looks of things! Hope everything goes well with Joel's check-ups. Thinking of you all. Love E & E x

hendricks said...

Glad to hear about your time in Belfast. We loved the pics! Joel is looking really good. Such a cutie. We look forward to chatting on the phone soon. Soren prays for Joel every night. Love to all four of you.