Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Birthday girl.

Wow, our little Emily turned one today. We can't believe how much joy she has brought to our lives, how much change and how many times we have laughed with her over the past 365 days.
We are blessed with a little bundle of energy who brings smiles to all she meets and whose 'hiya' is as clear as day (But in a strong mancunian dialect!)
This weekend we celebrated in Belfast with cake, presents, birthday tea and Ellie May, Emily's cousin who is one day younger.

Birthday cake, mmmmmm........
mmmmmm..... cake tastes good.

Today we celebrated at Grandpa and Grandmum's with cake, presents, birthday tea but sadly no cousin.
A great book called 'Emily's Balloon'
(Granny and Granda's dog is lurking in the photo.
She waves it around like a wand, instead of rolling it on the ground)
A new bike from us complete with a steering handle.

How not to enjoy birthday cake!
( We stopped her from holding the burning candle)

Well, she is sleeping now, something I have missed these past 365 days, she has been a good sleeper at night but is an early riser. Maybe the early riser in her may change over the next year.
On a final note tonight, thanks be to God who has given us people who have listened, advised, supported, cooked for us, written notes, prayed and been patient with us over the past year as we have learnt to become parents.


esty said...

Happy 1st Birthday Emily!

Looks like you all had a great time. Can't believe it's been a year! We've enjoyed watching Emily grow through all your wonderful photos. Missing you!

Much love,
E & E

Knights @ not so round table said...

Hope you had a gr8 day

lifeinsuburbia said...

Happy late birthday Emily! Hope you had a great day! You are so cute!