Wednesday, July 25, 2007

School's out for Summer

Emily has enjoyed her chocolate birthday cake. Look at those smiles! She has also been having fun with her new musical instruments... gifts for her birthday.
It's the summer holidays for Jamie and I. Yeah!!!!! We have had a busy couple of weeks; Emily now has another tooth on the top, she is standing more readily unaided. I have been to York for a Hen Weekend. My lovely friend Lucy is getting married on the 4th of July. It was lovely to meet up in York again as that is were we originally met at University. Note the inflatable bustline and Kevin Keegan wig!
The weather has been pretty miserable. We have hardly made it outdoors at all; Emily has even had a wooly hat on in the middle of August. Now that school is done, we are looking forward to a summer break. We hope to spend days out and about before we go to France for 14 days. On the house sale front, we have had no success. We are changing estate agent and as soon as we get back from France we will try again. Since Emily's birthday our house feels smaller with her bigger toys including prams and walkers! She has even learnt to feed the baby!

Next week will be our 7th wedding anniversary. With having lots of gifts as wedding presents, 7 years on they are starting to go kaput. In the past month our washing machine, hoover, lawn mower, dvd player, Emily's room CD player and toilet cistern have all broken.

We hope to repair the toilet cistern (and it wasn't a wedding gift!) but all the other stuff has go to the recycling man. All gone! The other very sad thing is yesterday at school I lost one of the diamonds from my wedding ring. So many things falling apart or breaking, but we are all ok. Just broken possessions!
Bathtimes continue to be fun especially with new birthday bath toys! Sometimes food is good especially when it it lasagne or pasta, but the food refusal and spitting continues. (No smirking from you parents out there!)
Well that is all for now, busy busy busy. J and emily have had fun times together as I have been away and at work. Big smiles all round tonight.
Happy holidays everyone. School's out for Summer!


esty said...

Must be lovely having summer holidays together! Hope the weather gets better soon. I've got 9 more weeks left of term 3!!!! (It's a long one this time - 11 weeks altogether!) Enjoy your trip to France. Thinking of you.

Love E & E x

iulia and geordan said...

So nice to keep up with you via pictures! I can't believe how well she is keeping herself up! Steps are coming soon! Hope you have a WONDERFUL time in France!!