Friday, May 02, 2008

The best laid plans

never work out! Today we were supposed to be moving at 9.15 am!

The removal men were booked, Emily was going off to sleep at her grandparents for 2 nights, the electrician was booked to wire a socket for our cooker, Emily's furniture was ordered to arrive next week, an army of painters, builder furniture people and others were organised. Sky was arranged to put in our new phone line, our new house insurance, car insurance etc sorted and all the post redirected from yesterday! Other things too, like the phone being cut off today therefore no internet etc was also sorted!

That was until we got a phone call at 4.30 last night to say that we couldn't move as the lady whose house we are buying - her solicitors need a further 5 working days to sort out the paper work as there has been a problem with her mortgage! She is confused as all the paperwork was sorted to her knowledge on Tuesday, it sounds like her solicitors are pulling a fast one!
To make matters worse the Monday Bank Holiday which was working in our favour ( we are bpth off work) is now working against us as the solicitors and banks etc are all closed and the earliest the paperwork will be done is Monday 12th May. Also, I have run around like a looney all week and am exhausted. Last night I (with the help of Jamie who was home from work) had to rehang Emily's blind and curtains, unpack cutlery, plates and saucepans, towels and other essentails having spent the day packing them witha frustrated toddler who wanted her toys out of boxes and not in boxes. She was pleased this morning to see them back out again! ( but a little confused as I said she could have them in her new house!) The final blow is that I have a further week of work, infection rates are falling but not sufficiently for me to be safe. Instead of painting, unpacking and sorting, I am stuck in a house with no phone and internet surrounded by boxes for the next week. I have to be organised and try to download everything I need to do school work without the Internet.
Well that is the woe is me for the day, we are so disappointed; Jamie has spent all week working every minute trying to get things wrapped up by yesterday so that he could have today off to move and he has had to go to work today despite plannig all the lessons for a supply! It is KS3 SATS next week, he has been under so much pressure this weekin organising them, he is now looking forward to a rest and to the last United home game of the season tomorrow!

On a side point Nicola, our sister in law, is in hospital for monitoring as her blood pressure is so high. She is doing well but needs to be looked after a little more closely. She has 6 weeks to go before our nephew arrives and it is her birthday this weekend. We hope she will be out soon to celebrate.

This may be the last post for a while, I am off to mope into my cup of tea and admire the sunny day I prayed for so that the removal men would not dirty the carpets in out old or new house!!! boo hoo!

1 comment:

esty said...

I can't believe it! What a pain. Thinking of you and hope it all get's sorted out as soon as possible. E & E x