Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Little Story

As you can tell there has not really been much going on on this page for which we both apologise. However, I thought I would share a silly little story from my day at school:

During my bottom set Year 8 lesson, one pupil who has Special Needs (William) began crying as his support teacher left him and went and sat with someone else. I asked him if he was ok and through his sobs I heard him say, "Miss thinks I trumped!" I wasn't quite sure how to take this so left it until the end of the lesson.
When the class left, his support teacher came to speak to me about William. She said that he had recently been trumping a lot in lessons and that the smell is unbearable (like rotten eggs apparently). The Support Teachers had told him that when he needs to trump he is to go outside and relieve himself there! During today's lesson, she claimed, he had let one slip. When she confronted him about this he denied any wrong doing to the extent that he said she could have done it! As a result of the bad smell she had left him and this had caused him to start crying. I was truly thankful for now being in the know!
Two days later, when I had the same class again, I was standing at the front explaining what we were going to be doing. Mid-sentence, William's hand shot up. "Mr McCulloch, I have to go outside to trump." Sounding shocked I let him go. The whole class at this point fell completely silent as they wondered if they had heard correctly. We all watched William go outside, close the door, relieve himself and come back inside. At that point we all just burst out laughing at a very surreal moment. Thankfully William saw the funny side too.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Could it be?!

I have to say that I have just experienced a very surreal moment. Three lads were standing outside my door after break claiming they had seen me on the internet. I admitted that I did have a website but when they mentioned it was of a video clip I looked puzzled. They said I was in a small room dancing in front of the computer. How strange, but no it was not me.
So I moved on to my next lesson thinking no more of it. After the lesson the same three boys appeared. Sir, we have the web address do you want us to show you? Yeh, go for it.
Then, right in front of my eyes I appear, dancing, topless. Something here was not right! My form crowded around in disbelief at what they were seeing. Mr McCulloch, is that you? No it certainly is not but it LOOKS LIKE ME!!!!
So, after all of this, click here and see for yourself!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Weekends Away

We returned from a lovely weekend away yesterday determined to do this kind of thing more often. We just spent 2 great days with my parents and Dave and Nic in a lovely cottage in the Cotswalds.

JA and I left school as close to the bell as possible in order to shoot off down south on Friday night. Although it took us 4 hours to get there as a result of the traffic we all managed to catch up by the fire (see below) and play our first ever 6 player Settlers! It took a while to explain the rules but it was well worth it. Well done mum on winning your first ever Settlers game (even though I had to tell her that she had accumulated enough points to win!).

Saturday saw us visit Stow and Burton-on-the-water (a mini Venice apparently). Even though it was pretty wet we enjoyed checking out the beautiful buildings and mulling through the many craft shops. Oh, and stopping off for plenty of tea!

After a lovely afternoon enjoying the area we made it back to the cottage for a nap and a chance to sit by the fire (again) and read the paper. A quick visit to the fish and chip shop provided us with the necessary energy to begin our second Settlers game. This time I'm glad to say I was victorious!

Before bed JA managed to sample to tremendous roll-top bath in our room! (ooh, how the other half live!)

After a nice lie-in we all sat down for a wonderful Irish fry setting us up for the trip home. JA and I decided to call by Stratford-Upon-Avon on our way back but unfortunately we were rained out. We did however visit Shakespeare's birthplace and the Swan Theatre. We will definately have to make time to go back again soon.

So after getting home on Sunday at a decent time (and hearing United beat Chelsea!) we felt really relaxed and ready for the start of the week. So thanks mum and dad for inviting us on this lovely weekend but it is something JA and I must really try and do more often.

Happy Families!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My class really are ok.

Well just before half term some of you may have read my rant on my class.
I take it all back, yes they can be naughty and continnually push boundaries, but today, the day after Halloween I was showed with trick or treat goodies including wobbly jelly eyes and spiders legs.
It was also a girl's eleventh birthday, so she brought in some of her cake for me and when I was on playground duty I was showered with grapes, strawberries, riveta cheese and chives and other goodies. My class know the way to my heart must be through my mouth, that or when I am eating I am usually quieter.
Anyway, a postcard arrived from the Dominican Republic as one of my 10 year old sunseekers is currently there at the moment, and a child stayed behind at lunch to tell me that she is going to be an auntie and her sister is going to call the baby Kian. ( She thinks that is a good Irish name so I would like it)
Well apart from all that today I taught Literacy, Numeracy, Science, PSHE, P.E. amd visited the school library to change our books and talk about the book I am reading. ( The Penultimate Peril, latest in the Lemony Snickett series).

Today was a busy one, but I was reminded that my class are ok and that they do treat me well even if they want me to look like Miss Piggy with all the food that makes it on to m y desk by 3.30pm.