Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My class really are ok.

Well just before half term some of you may have read my rant on my class.
I take it all back, yes they can be naughty and continnually push boundaries, but today, the day after Halloween I was showed with trick or treat goodies including wobbly jelly eyes and spiders legs.
It was also a girl's eleventh birthday, so she brought in some of her cake for me and when I was on playground duty I was showered with grapes, strawberries, riveta cheese and chives and other goodies. My class know the way to my heart must be through my mouth, that or when I am eating I am usually quieter.
Anyway, a postcard arrived from the Dominican Republic as one of my 10 year old sunseekers is currently there at the moment, and a child stayed behind at lunch to tell me that she is going to be an auntie and her sister is going to call the baby Kian. ( She thinks that is a good Irish name so I would like it)
Well apart from all that today I taught Literacy, Numeracy, Science, PSHE, P.E. amd visited the school library to change our books and talk about the book I am reading. ( The Penultimate Peril, latest in the Lemony Snickett series).

Today was a busy one, but I was reminded that my class are ok and that they do treat me well even if they want me to look like Miss Piggy with all the food that makes it on to m y desk by 3.30pm.

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