Sunday, June 25, 2006

Weekend of Waiting

Well, the baby isn't here yet, we are still waiting. We never knew that waiting for your life to completly change could be so infuriating!
So wait we will, patiently, frustratingly, anxiously but wait. Jamie's nana gave us some advice.
"When the apple is ripe... it will drop."
So what have we been up to this week? Well yet again Jamie has been busy marking, marking ...marking. He has now marked over 13 000 questions with 7000 ish left. The World Cup has featured highly on the viewing stakes with the sofa getting a bit of a bashing as Jamie marks and watches. He/we are looking forward to the 4th July when the papers are all marked and we can get out, walk and enjoy being outdoors again.
It was my (JA) birthday... a great day with lots of fun things and a visit to my favourite restaurant to sample the deep fried courgettes! However, with baby pushing all my internal organs, I over ate (it's hard not to at the Lime Tree) and felt unwell for the rest of the night! Serves me right for being greedy!
This weekend was a great chance to meet up with our god-daughter who was visitng with our good friends Jon and Rosemary. It was fab to catch up and see how much Lucy has grown. She is a really great kid, we laughed lots as she entertained us with stories and her quirkiness. Seven seems a great age to be!

My (JA) parents have arrived for the week to spend time before the baby arrives. I want baby to arrive in the next couple of days so they can spend some time with he/she before they go back to Belfast to be with my sister, Emma as she gives birth next week. She is due for a C section on July 5th if her's does not arrive before then.

My other sister, Judith moved house this week, she now lives at number 53, Emma lives at 73 and my parents live at 20! All in the same street! It is a Patterson affair on that road, soon to be renamed Patterson Row!

So that is our week, maybe next weekend we will be blogging about labour and adjusting to parenthood. I am trying my best to hurry baby along with reflexology, raspberry leaf tea, fresh pineapple, bouncing on the birthing ball, walking fast, jumping up and down and running (jogging) up the stairs, but for now baby seems quite happy to stay inside.

1 comment:

Knights @ not so round table said...

We had a great time as well. Shame it was so short :-(
We all scrub up very well on camera n'est pas!
Say hi to Ma & Pa Patterson