Saturday, June 03, 2006

Busy Half-Term

Well, here we are again at the end of another half-term although this one is very different than all the rest. When I head back to work on Monday JA will no longer be accompanying me on my journey as we await our special day. It's a strange feeling knowing that this is how it's going to be for the next 10 months. However, I'm obviously pleased on two levels. 1) Our baby will soon be arriving and I don't need to explain the joy and wonder that that will bring, 2) JA will get that well deserved break from work that she has been in need of for some time. Yes I know that the baby will be a full time job as well but it's a completely different type of work!
The half term has brought along many opportunites to meet up with others, go out for the day, do jobs around home and generally get some rest. We enjoyed having Judith (JA's sister) here for a weekend and made it over to Buxton and Bakewell for a day.
We also had the joy of watching Mia (my work colleague, Cherry's daughter) being baptised into faith. I got to see 2 films I've anxiously been waiting for - X-Men 3 and The Da Vinci Code. JA is struggling to see these kind of films at the moment as any kind of suspense is having a detrimental effect on her body!
Antenatal classes have also been good with a reassuring visit to the delivery suite and ward where we know we'll be spending some time soon. I say reassuring as we had all (the class) been filled with panic as we watched the 'birth video' prior to the tour! A natural birth and pool birth created a series of conversations in the remaining hour.
So, to finish I thought I would share some photos from our visit to Tatton Park on Thursday. It was a beautiful day in which we enjoyed a picnic, a sleep by the lake and a visit to the wonderful gardens. JA is looking more rosy than usual with her exposure to the sun!
I have to say the gardens were excellent and were much larger than we had expected - a smaller version of Buschart! Enjoy.


Jenks said...

Glad you guys had a great week off. Can't believe that the baby is coming so soon! Enjoy your time at home Julie-ann!


Knights @ not so round table said...

Happy maternity leave - enjoy nesting!