Monday, September 04, 2006

All by myself....

...I don't wanna be!

I take my hat off to my sister and any other mums out there who have been looking after their new little ones when their husbands have gone back to work 10 days after the birth. I have been spoilt. I have had Jamie for 52.5 of Emily's 56 days of life. It has been great and we have had so much fun learning to be parents together.
Today has been my first day on my own with Emily. It was fun but it is hard doing everything by yourself with a little bundle who wants your undivided attention. We did some laundry, went to Tesco to get the shopping, cooked tea and even had time to squeeze in a visit from grandmum!
A busy day, we had a cool time but we both missed J, but for many mums and babies out there daddy going to work is a normal thing; well for Emily and I from now on it will be normal to wave Jamie off every morning at 7.15 am.

A confused Emily as I can't look like Jamie or sound like him no matter what I do.


hendricks said...

wow- what a great shot! I've missed reading your blog as we haven't had internet access where we have been living! But, we're back and it is great to see Emily again...we missed her!



Knights @ not so round table said...

Confused - but gorgeous! The aloneness becomes more managable with time. Happy 9 weeks!