Thursday, February 15, 2007

Emily's first trip to the cinema out in the fresh air.

Today I plucked up the courage to drive over to Salford to take Emily to the Parent and Baby screenings at the cinema. It is pretty cool, the film is at 11am, they turn the bass volume down and leave the lights up. There is no issue with crying as everyone there has a baby. To be honest it really has nothing to do with the babies, but it is a great way to see movies. It is also lovely for Emily to be mixing with other children as we went for a coffee together afterwards.

So a big day for us, I drove all the way over to Salford and Emily learnt that there are TV's the size of a wall. (She spent most of the film with her arms waving and legs kicking) Oh the film... Music and Lyrics, it was ok nothing too exciting.


Rachel said...

oh that sounds cool!

thanks so much for the congratulations. every time i tell someone new, i start shaking with excitement and almost start crying. it's like a fairytale!

we will be in manchester this weekend, so will most likely see you at church!

Matthew Francis said...

Krista and I went to see Music and Lyrics on Monday and I had to say that the opening "video" seqence was pretty hilarious.

That's great they have this special screening for parents and babies!