Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today we went to the Museum of Science and Industry to see the trains and planes. (Emily loves public transport!) We had fun looking at all the engines and pumps as well as the 'hands on' activities. We made a rocket and fired it using air. We even managed to hit the member of staff standing nearby.Thankfully tears were absent as it returned to earth in one piece and brought home with pride. It is amazing what you can make with paper and sticky tape.

We have also been busy baking cakes and making chocolate rabbits. Sadly the rabbit has passed on to the other side now and was greatly enjoyed. The cakes are demolished too!Joel had his appointment with the dietitian yesterday. All is ok, he can be weaned like a regular baby only we are not allowed to use traditional formula. We can also give him more of his milk in a bottle if needed. This might stop him from waking between 2 - 5 times a night with hunger. The downside is that his milk already causes issues with his bowels so we have to be careful how much we give him. Our cardiology appointment has been rescheduled til the end of January so hopefully some questions will have answers.

Meanwhile Emily, Joel and I have started a really fun group at Charnwood Nursery. We are going to the Opportunity Group on Friday Afternoons. We had our first one yesterday. It was great. The staff and other families there are really friendly. Emily had so much fun playing in the home corner, sunken sandpit, soft play and trampoline as well as the other activities provided. It was nice to be in an environment where Joel was Joel - not the boy with the tube. Hopefully there will be a place for Emily to go there in September for a few days a week. We will wait and see and in the meantime enjoy our Fridays.

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