Thursday, May 11, 2006

Catching up and bit and pieces.

Life has seemed so busy over the past couple of weeks. We had my parents here for the weekend. My dad was officiating at a wedding and my mum was a glamorous bridesmaid. It was great to see my dad 'pastoring' again and a bit weird to see my mum as a bridesmaid in a traditional dress. She looked fab and did a great job looking after the Romanian bride, who was trying to get her head around the 'britishness' of the wedding!

For Jamie and I we have been busy. He had lots of school things on like parents evening, meetings and other stuff that has been engaging him. For me, I have had SATs. My class are exhausted and I am tired with swollen ankles! I went to the midwife wondering if my blood pressure was up as I wasn't feeling too great, but wow, it's nice and low with no problems. The baby's head is now in the right place ( pointing down) so we will wait and see. We are counting down but 6 weeks still seems so far away.

Next week we have breast feeding classes, we are not sure what to expect, but we will fill you in after the event!


Knights @ not so round table said...

I could make a rude comment about breastfeeding classes but I shall resist the temptation!
Nice looking bump picture

Jenks said...

Good to see a picture of you guys. Wish we could pop around for a coffee and catch up :-( Glad you three are doing well.

Speak soon. Have a good weekend.


iulia and geordan said...

What is it with you people and endescopies? Most people go a lifetime without one! What was yours for? Are you having trouble swallowing as well? ;)

hendricks said...

Julie Ann,
That is an impressive bump! Yeah, the breastfeeding classes...have fun!

We are counting down too!