Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Emily's first day at school!

Yes, the pushy parents took their 8-day old daughter to school. Learning can't start quickly enough in this family! Not only did we make it to Primary School but we thought we would check out Secondary education too! You'll all be glad to know it was a quick visit with all the people who have been waiting and wondering who the latest McCulloch would be.
Emily thrived in this environment with lots of cuddles, plenty of oohs, lots of 'she's gorgeous' and JA's Year 6 girls quickly told off when they commented how they wanted one to play with. Obviously the recent Sex Ed lessons had been well listened to!
We also managed to have a lovely walk out this evening to Grandmum's for tea. We think Emily likes her pram as she immediately closes her eyes when the journey begins.

Tonight also finished with another 'extreme bath' (so called by JA's dad after witnessing the 1st one!) but thankfully Emily did not cry tonight and wanted her Granda to know that she really enjoys them!

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