Friday, July 14, 2006

Where does time go?

When I was waiting for Emily to arrive the weeks seems to drag by, plodding along at 2mph. Well since she has arrived the days just zoom by. We can't believe that she has been home with us for a week and a day. What a week it has been. Yesterday we visisted Jamie's Mum's work and had a gaggle of cooing women to hold, cuddle and spoil her. We also took advantage of the scales and had her wiehged. She keeps putting on the weight; she is now 7lbs 15 oz, she has nearly put on a whole pound in 9 days! I was reassured that this is ok, "breastfed babies don't tend to be porky", I am not sure myself, it seems like a huge weight gain ina few days! In the afternoon Emily went to her first football match. 45 mins each way, 11 a side. (We start as we mean to go on in this house.) The quality was a bit debatable, - it was Jamie's staff against another local high school. Her daddy played ok, set one up but failed to hit the back of the net. ( I blame tiredness!) Emily had a great time in the sunshine and seemed very content to lie around waiting for her dad, she is such a patient baby!
We had more visitors with Andrew and Dee calling by. Andrew confidently burped her and Emily seemed to pick up on his calmness and fell asleep in his arms. Andrew commented, "We'll pay you to babysit her!"

Before the day was out we also noticed that Emily's umbilical cord finally fell off. The average is 10 days but Emily's took 9! Any excuse to think she is above average!

"Look, no cord!" (Dad tries to preserve dignity)

Today we visited Manchester to register Emily's birth. It was a great morning out. Not only did we collect her birth certificate, but Emily is now the proud owner of a bank account. ( It is never too early to start saving those pennies!) After a visit to the Arndale Centre, a walk down Kings street, a stroll by Urbis and the Triangle and a quick dash through St Anne's Square we feel that Emily is a true mancunian who has visited most of the sights. Next time we will do Piccadilly Gardens, St Peter's Square and Manchester Cathedral.

A visit from Amanda and Olivia ( from Ja's work) rounded the afternoon off nicely.

Tonight we are off to JA's school fair, the last visit to school this academic year and the last time I will see my class before they transfer to their secondary school. This is a good ending for me, as I am so looking forward to the summer holidays with Jamie and Emily and the following months being a mummy and a domestic goddess.

As I said at the beginning time seems to fly by, we have been very busy running around getting things sorted. It has been made so much easier in the fact that during the night Emily usually sleeps from 10 or 11pm to 2.30 or 3.00am, wakes for 30 - 45 mins then sleeps through until 6.30 or 7 am; so we are not as exhausted as we could be. She is also so flexible and patient and willing to let us learn to be parents.

We truely do feel blessed!


Knights @ not so round table said...

Glad to see you still have that glowing post-birth aura about you (am jealous - I've never looked that good afterwards!). Emily is proving to be a very photogenic baby - Lucy loves her photo (hunting for a nice frame for ours). It has taken pride of place on her window display.
Have another good week!

hendricks said...

Wow, I can't believe how well Emily is sleeping! That is unbelievable; I never had that. I remember being up at 12, 3 and 6 for at least an hour each time. I am glad that is not your experience. It seems like your little family has been having a lot of fun together. Thanks for keeping us updated with great pics.