Saturday, July 08, 2006

Lots of firsts

Well... we have had an amazing couple of days since we brought Emily home. Some successes and some failures, but one thing for certain.. lots of firsts.
She is truely amazing. Sometimes she sleeps, sometimes she doesn't. Sometimes she feeds well, somtimes she doesn't. Sometimes she likes visitors, sometimes she ignores them as she sleeps comfortably in the corner.
So far she has enjoyed her first story from Daddy...

Her first bath at home...

And a visit to Tesco! ( She slept, we got the groceries and had time for a latte and tea in the coffee shop whilst waiting for photos to be developed!) Not bad eh?!

One of the nicest firsts for us as a parents has been the joy of sharing our daughter with our parents. Again another first. For them, a grandchild. Their smiles are broad, thier eyes glisten as they coo and gurgle at their grand daughter. A beautiful sight for us.

The pride just oozes from them. This little girl is truely and deeply loved!


brooke said...

oh my goodness! it's the swansons here (nick and brooke.) CONGRATULATIONS!! Kathy and Dwight are here and they told us you were expecting, but I didn't know how soon!! She is absolutley beautiful. Little Girls are wonderful! the blog world is a funny thing, you never know who you're going to find!

Matthew Francis said...


This is awesome...

All the best to you three!