Wednesday, August 16, 2006

One of the nicest places in Earth ( that I have been to!)

Dunham Massey. Jamie and I have spent some of our best and worst days here, we have had pleasant and not so pleasant conversations, make good and bad decisions, had sun, wind, rain and even snow and it is a place that we just love to visit.

It is only fitting that we would introduce Emily to the National Trust property and see if she likes it as much as us. As she spent most of the time sleeping with her usual 'Hallelujah' style pose we assume that she agrees with her parents.

We also bumped into some Dunham residents who weren't feeling camera shy.
Emily has also been developing her voice and making sounds, as well as her arms and legs flailing around when she is on her gym mat.

It truly is amazing how quickly she is changing and growing. We are both so aware of the blessing of Jamie's long holidays - it has been great to be learning together and sharing the responsibilities in this way. On the sleeping front she is doing well but she really is an early wake up call between 6 - 7.30 am EVERY day!

Sadly for Emily she has developed a red rash on her face, neck and chest, we have been told it may be exczema? (spelling?) but it is too early to diagnose. It looks so red and sore, if we are honset it is so hard not to be neurotic, it looks bad to us but we are sure it will clear up soon. next week she gets her BCG, THEN we will be neurotic!
That's all from us today, a visit to Tesco, a Youth Team meeting, a trip to the 'walk in clinic' to check out the rash, grandmum popping in to reassure us about the rash, and england looking like they will win a friendly against Greece ( it's 4 nil at the mo!)


brooke said...

It could just be a rash from being wet. I know that charley had it all the time, from the breastmilk or the formula escaping out of her mouth. Hers did turn into exema (sp?), but not till she was about 3 months old. :)

Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

Thanks, that's good and reassuring to know!