Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Summer days out in the summer sun

We finally made it out yesterday to enjoy the sunshine in Lythm St Annes. ( Katie... we can just imagine you as a teenager walking up and down the high Street) Apart from bringing the average age down to 65, we had a great time lying on the green having a picnic and walking the long promenade. It was also a good chance to try out the baby bjorn, she seems to like it, what a cool way to carry a baby!
She continues to be great, her rash seems to have cleared up. Today the trauma is the BCG, we will fill you all in on how that goes but we are not looking forward to it! Let's hope that she is a lot more chilled out than her parents on this one!

1 comment:

Knights @ not so round table said...

I've always found that shutting your eyes & looking away is quite helpful as the needle approaches followed up by lots of Calpol at home... for Emily, not you!