Monday, August 21, 2006

To dummy or not to dummy? that is the question

Emily has found her hand! Not only does she like to look at it a lot, but she has realised that it tastes good. She is now regularly seen with most of her hand stuffed into her mouth and plenty of drool dripping off her chin. If she is feeling less peckish she can manage just her thumb. So here is the question. To dummy or not to dummy? Any ideas? Answers on a postcard please.

We had a great weekend. It was a real honour and pleasure to share Mark and Tomoko's wedding day. It was a truly amazing day with a great mix of traditions spanning across the world. Emily especially liked the farm noises whilst we preferred the heartfelt and entertaining speeches and traditional music from Japan. It was asloe really nice to meet up with friends from near and far and introduce our god-daughter to our daughter. It was a fabulous day, and yet another first for Emily.

We then visited the NYI Youth holiday yesterday. It was quite strange as we haven't been on a youth holiday since we got married. ( 6 years ago) ... We slept on Oswestry floor for one night the year after we got married but I don't think that counts! We were chatting about that and Jamie hadn't missed a holiday until then, having been to 12 consecutive holidays since being 12 years old! It was also quite strange because a girl tapped him on the shoulder and said, "did you do the music at holidays before? I came to Bearwood with a lady called Rosemary Arnold." That really was a blast from the past as the Bearwood holidays were 1994, 95 and 96! We started dating on the 1995 holiday... 11 years ago today in fact! That is enough nostalgia, but it must be said that NYI holidys were the highlight of our summers, they were (and maybe still are) a great way to meet new people, attend great services and to feel recharged in faith.

It was a great but busy weekend, Emily slept from 11 pm through to 5.30 ( Sat night) and 4.30 (Sun). I think she found it quite a tiring time for her... well she really can sleep anywhere! (Photo to follow)


Jenks said...

Great family guys are looking well. Emily is certainly growing quickly. NYI holidays... where would we be without them?!

Thomson Family said...

matthew liked a dummy but scott still wont take one!

Matthew Francis said...

Lovely pictures, McCullochs!

Aline said...

We gave our little girl dummies but we stopped using them a few weeks ago after we realised that they had become a crux for her to sleep. If the dummy fell out she would wake up. We've been reading the baby whisperer book and decided to try the pick up put down method for sleeping. Works really well, except for the odd ocassion when baby just wants to cry and cry.

So dummies... They're good in a way but if they become more harm that good dump them that's my advice.

On the hand sucking thing. From what I've read it's not a good idea to always stop baby from doing it otherwise baby will start to feel insecure.

Hey this is great I look like I know what I'm talking about! Love the blog by the way. Also the pics of you with the baby in the sling, I love taking my little girl out for walks in the sling too. It's Dad's right, after Mum carried the baby for 9 months! :-)