Monday, August 28, 2006

A few thoughts

JA is describing how our weekend went but I just wanted to share a couple of extra things.
1) I can't believe how much Emily is smiling at the moment. She really fixes her eyes on you, listens intently to the gibberish coming from your mouth and then cracks into a huge smile. Not only that but she loves to chat back in her best cooing and gurgling. The only downside (when she's on her back) is that she ends up getting hiccups from taking in too much air from her talking!
2) Getting the chance to use the baby carrier has been wonderful. Spending last summer with the Hendricks and seeing Soren enjoy his Bjorn put me in the mood for one of my own! JA kindly bought one for me last Christmas and this summer has provided me with some opportunities to use it. In fact, Emily is strong enought now to face outwards which I'm sure is much more exciting for her. I may even let JA use it the odd time!!
3) I had my strangest ever purchase over the weekend - a J shaped marrow from the Hampton Court organic garden!! It only cost me £1 and as you can see was value for money. What I'm going to do with it I don't know. I think if I give it to Andy he may have some idea on a tasty outcome.

Well, work starts for me next week and I not sure how I'm going to cope after 8 weeks with the 2 ladies. I am going back to a new responsibility and am looking forward to it but the thought of leaving these 2 behind is quite hard. However, they will have a great time together and it will be a start to another new adventure in Emily's life.


Jenks said...

great pictures. good to see that you are making the most of your holidays. Hope the new school year starts well.

Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

Thanks. Won't be long till we can meet up again. We're excited about seeing you soon. I hope you don't feel too bad leaving your new home!

Matthew Francis said...

What a great marrow! We've got zucchini in our garden that are that big (but not J-shaped).

Don't know what to do with them all! Let me know if you have any tips.

iulia and geordan said...

She has grown so much in just a month! And looks so much like her daddy in the shot where she is looking over JA's shoulder!
Emily is already a well traveled little girl!