Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Pregnancy update

Well, it has been requested so here it is. All those who are fed up hearing about it or are just not interested I apologise.

I am now 27 weeks and 4 days pregant and very excited. It is truely amazing the whole process of a baby developing inside and how they communicate without words. The whole moving around thing after meals and the waking up between 9.30 pm and 11pm as if to say, 'pay me some attention... I am in here you know!'
We were back at the midwife last week for check ups and again got to hear the heart beat. It is truely amazing and something that really does make you realise a baby is growing and developing daily and that we hope to be parents in less than 13 weeks time!

The practicalities continue. The cot is built, we now have sheets for it, the pram is built and stored away, friends and family have donated and bought us clothes and bits and pieces, so really we are just waiting to the big day.

We talk about being prepared however the antenatal classes haven't begun yet, so we are not sure how to be prepared, however fear factors as well as sheer delight and excitement share parts of our brain and discussion daily.

Apart from all that I am well and healthy, just the normal complaints, I get a sore back, especially in the evenings, and my lowest rib on the left side is sore most of the time. The midwife tells me it is to do with the release of a chemical called relaxin (yes it does what it sounds like) it relaxes muscles etc so my ribs are now more floatier than usual hence the botttom one jutting out and being painful. The leg cramps continue through the night with me hopping and dancing to a range of different beats in the dark as I try to sort my leg muscles out!
My little sister is still struggling with a twisted pelvis so her back pain is greater. We both say if this is as bad as our pregnancies get, we are very fortunate mums to be!

So the update on the baby and the pregancy, all is well, Jamie and I count our blessings every day and pray that not only will he/she be happy and healthy but will grow up to love God and people.

13 weeks and counting, but so far no stretch marks to count!

On a different note it was my parents 30th wedding anniversary this weekend. It was a joy to celebrate with friends and family and to see them so much in love and so happy. Jamie and I are blessed with parents who love each other deeply and who love us deeply - something we sometimes forget or take for granted! It was a great but tiring weekend, eating and celebrating in Patterson style. (Jamie as usual had to fight to be heard amongst all the Patterson women!)
So that is us all up to date. Baby is well, JA is well (and expanding) and Jamie continues to run in the rain and hail, sun and wind and seems to be gettting fitter and faster!

Oh... don't tell me how much we look alike or how much I have grown. I had all that from the aunts and uncles at the weekend! ( but it is pretty freaky how alike we are!)


Knights @ not so round table said...

I expect more regular pregnancy updates! Unfair! how come you've got no stretch marks?
And next time you put a picture on your blog make sure it's one in which we can see the belly!!!

Jamie, Julie-Ann, Emily, Joel and Seth said...

No stretch marks yet! I am sure they'll come!
I'll work on the belly thing too.

Knights @ not so round table said...

Maybe you'll be one of those fortunate women who never get stretch marks - I however am not one of them sigh!