Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Power Lead is back!!

Just a short post to say that things are going pretty well here in Belfast. Emily has had a couple of dodgy nights where we have been experiencing new types of behaviour from our daughter. They have led to less sleep on occassions and the odd paranoid state of - 'is everything alright?!?!' You'll be glad to know that everything is alright, we are justing getting to know Emily more day by day (and night by night!)
Here are a few shots from the days past: (and the lead is back!)

Emily visits Belfast Castle on a cold and wet evening. JA and I took our friends for a walk around here the day after we got married (6 years ago this Saturday)

The Castle

Sleeping beauties

We planned to have a picnic today but unfortunately the weather got the better of us. As we ate indoors the 2 girls decided they would sleep through it! It was nice for Emily to be with all her Northern Irish Aunts and Uncles. Emma wishes that Ellie-May would sleep as much at night as she does during the day!

Emily again looks on bewildered as mum shoves the camera in her face.

1 comment:

Knights @ not so round table said...

I remember that day 6 years ago very well - if memory serves J stumbled on his lines the day before on had the entire female contingent in tears!
Emily is looking different again bless her little cotton socks
Rosie :-)