Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's an amazing blogging community

Yesterday I found out that more people I know are involved in this strange blogging phenomenon. People who at times seems to scoff and suggest that we bloggers have too much time on our hands!!
Well, I would like to, for the record, point out that it is nothing to do with having too much time, but a strange addiction to catch up. I find myself so bogged down with daily life and stuff, that I struggle to write that card or pick up the phone and call.

So, this may be a small way to keep all of you out there, who invest in me as family or friend or (family of a friend) informed on what I am up to, thinking about or whatever.
I will never be able to tell you about some great intellectual book I am reading as I seem to spend my life reading kids books. ( I am reading a great Ibbotson one right now called the Island of the Aunts, a great story full of strange animals and wacky old women) or join in on some philosophical question, ( as I rarely have time to think about what's for tea?) but I will fill you in on the what's going on in my life ( which is code for classroom, study or infront of my laptop!)

My amazing blogging community... keep on reading.

PS. Someone today suggested that I go part time at work. What a wise friend. I will think about it!! (wink wink)

1 comment:

Matthew Francis said...

Thanks JA!

That's what it's all about!